Scalpel-Free Vasectomy Consultations & Appointments at St Andrews Medical Centre
With over 35 years of experience, Dr Tom Conaghan performs quick, safe and reliable vasectomy procedures from St Andrews Medical Centre.
With no referral required, Dr Conaghan uses the scalpel-free (or no-scalpel vasectomy technique using Li instruments to perform safe and effective vasectomies.
Book a consultation with Dr Conaghan

Vasectomy Consultation
Before the vasectomy procedure, a consultation is required to discuss and explain any potential complications and to answer any questions.
Dr Conaghan will examine the patient to ensure no anatomical abnormalities are present and a consent form and information sheet are provided.
If necessary, the consultation and procedure can be booked on the same day.
Vasectomy Recovery
Following the procedure, you can drive yourself home, unless you’ve opted for pre-operative sedation with Diazepam. Most normal activity can be resumed the following day but strenuous activity and intercourse should be avoided for 5-7 days.

Vasectomy for Contraception & Reversals
A vasectomy is a quick, safe procedure with a high level of reliability. With a failure rate of less than 1 per 10,000 cases, vasectomies have one of the lowest failure rates for all contraception methods.
A vasectomy needs to be regarded as a permanent procedure. If a man decides to have further children after a vasectomy, reversal operations can be performed but the rate of successful pregnancies is low due to the development of Anti-sperm antibodies that appear after a vasectomy.
What is Involved in a Vasectomy Procedure
Vasectomies involve cutting each Vas Deferens so the sperm cannot reach the Seminal Vesicles. Sperm is still produced but is absorbed by the body. There is no change in the volume of the ejaculant and no effect on sexual function.
The operation involves an incision of less than 5mm under local anaesthetic in the upper front section of the Scrotum. A small section of the tube is removed and sent to the laboratory to confirm that the Vas Deferens has been cut.
There is some internal stitching but no skin stitches because the incision is so small, so no stitches need subsequent removal. The procedure time is less than 20 minutes.
The local anaesthetic to the skin will cause brief discomfort but works very quickly. During the procedure, there are only sensations of touch and pressure.
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Book an appointment with Dr Conaghan or contact St Andrews
Medical Centre today.